Geoff Calkins from the MCA actually had a source in a Memphis donut shop earlier Tuesday. His source named "Deep Crueller (sic)" said Coach Cal was in the shop for exactly 8, count 'em, 8 minutes. Calipari gave the following revelations:
** In addition to Kentucky, Arizona came after him over the weekend offering not a salary but a blank check. Calipari said, "No thanks."
** He was in the Memphis Athletic Office Building yesterday but slipped out a side door.
** He loves Memphis but is drawn to the history and prestige of Kentucky. Calipari said it's one of five programs -- along with North Carolina, Duke, UCLA and Kansas -- any coach would have to consider.
If you're into reading tea leaves -- or coffee grounds, if you prefer -- Calipari did say two things that should have Memphis fans worried.
"Things will be OK here," he said.
And also: "Taking the job is the easy part of the decision. Leaving here is the hard part."
Meanwhile, Jerry Tipton's blog in Lexington has Coach Cal talking to some of the predecessors at UK to get the feel for the gig.
He talked to Joe B. Hall, Eddie Sutton, Tubby Smith, and apparently even Rick Pitino.
WKYT-TV, within the last half-hour, has Calipari looking like one of those targets in the shooting gallery game at the county fair.
WREG is now reporting a close source to the Calipari family tell them that John Calipari keeps changing his mind and nothing is definite.
Former Kentucky coach Joe B. Hall told the Memphis station that he did speak with Calipari about the job but that Calipari did NOT say he was accepting the position.
Rob Bromley and Mark Kennedy have the early news out of Lexington:
WREG has confirmed a chartered plane has filed plans from Memphis to Lexington, KY for the purpose of taking John Calipari to the University of Kentucky. News Channel 3 has learned from a source very close to the program that U of M coach John Calipari has met with members of his staff at his home and has announced his decision on the University of Kentucky job.
All indications are that he is moving to Kentucky.
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