Those of us at OSG HQ will be the first to admit who we think the "best in the business" are...
Ernie Harwell ((pictured, thanks Eric Seals/DFP)) has always been one of those guys who is the best in the business. At the age of 91, he can still run rings around a lot of us who are three-quarters his age.
He was jobbed by Tom Monaghan when Monaghan was the owner of the Detroit Tigers, but Harwell was brought back when Monaghan checked out. Harwell got to check out on his own terms, and we were most fortunate to follow those last steps.
One line that Ernie liked to drop was: "I didn't want to have people come up to me and say, 'I heard your last broadcast and it should have been.' "
We were fortunate enough to sit down with him in his last season, and learned a lot from a guy who personifies "true professional."
All we can really do, for the time being, is wish him the best and a speedy recovery.
((HT: Detroit Free Press))
Harwell spent most of last week hospitalized with an obstructed bile duct, according to Gary Spicer, his friend and attorney. Spicer said Saturday the obstruction was dislodged, Harwell was released Friday, and he was resting at his home in Novi.
Spicer said Harwell needed additional tests and, because of doctor's recommendations of rest, had canceled appearances and appointments for the next several weeks. Spicer declined to reveal more details about Harwell's health.
Spicer said that while resting, Harwell was looking forward to his 68th wedding anniversary with Lulu on Aug. 30. His 92nd birthday is Jan. 25.
Spicer requested that friends refrain from calling or visiting Harwell. Get-well wishes should be sent via mail this way:
Ernie Harwell
c/o S. Gary Spicer Sr.
Attorney at Law
16845 Kercheval Ave.,
Suite 5
Grosse Pointe, MI 48230
Do it, people, don't just sit there...
For some dialing music, here's a tribute to Tiger Stadium that the Detroit Free Press put together...
((HT: Freep.com))
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