An interesting story developing (pun intended) in the never ending odyssey of the New Jersey Nets and their quest for a new home...and ownership. It seems as though one of Russia's wealthiest men...Mikhail Prokhorov is interested in investing in the Nets new arena and possibly becoming the majority owner.
The story from the New York Daily News here .
Prokhorov is a humongous Sports fan and probably can take the Nets off of Bruce Ratner's hands. Ratner's businesses are apparently not doing so hot financially and according to a development agreement needs to get the new arena, in Brooklyn, New York started here in the very near future or face some sort of penalty.
If you are interested, the Russian papers have a slightly different version of the story...stating that Prokhorov will buy the team for a "Symbolic $1" and then fund the arena himself. Interesting.
Check out the story from Rianovosti here .
((Mikhail Prokorov Photo//Courtesy: Rianovosti))
Stay tuned here because this one could get really interesting.
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