He's 29... and he gets to back a step in the process so he can reclaim his goal of playing professional hockey again.
Former St. Louis Blues winger Mike Danton ((pictured, thanks CBC Creative)), convicted in a reported murder-for-hire plot against his agent David Frost five years ago, has received an official okey-dokey to enroll at St. Mary's University in Nova Scotia. It's good enough for three classes and a shot at playing college hockey...
The HQ continues to remind everyone Danton is 29 and has ALREADY played professional hockey. Now, he gets to go backwards to go forwards...???
"I thought long and hard about it,” SMU AD Steve Sarty said Monday. "I've had a few sleepless nights about it. I've done a lot of research on the situation and I think people deserve a second chance.
"If we say no to Mike Danton, who are we going to say yes to?”
How about kids between the ages of 18 and 22...???
Just a thought...
"There's no question it's the right thing to do," SMU head coach Trevor Steinburg. "He has paid the price for a mistake he's admitted was a huge mistake. He's already been punished for it."
That's cool and all, but hasn't Danton heard of minor league hockey...? Either pursue a degree and get on with your life academically or pursue a career as a hockey player the way of the "lifer."
Danton seems to be turning in to "Graduate Student Guy." You hide in school to avoid the real world until the absolute moment you have to move out of your parent's basement. It's hockey's current version of "Failure to Launch."
The HQ is certain that Matthew McConaughey could play the role if only he figured out the whole skating thing...
Chris Cochrane's coverage from the Halifax Chronicle Herald is here...
Here's a sample of what Danton is running away from... jailhouse conversations with Frost about their "situation."
((HT: CBC/The Fifth Estate))
Bob McKeown and the "Fifth Estate" program absolutely owned this story from the beginning... required viewing without question...
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