Who knew that the Greg 'TheHurricane" Helms and Chris "Jericho" Irvine were drinking buddies? Both were arrested and charged with alcohol intoxication (public drunkeness) early Wednesday morning after a WWE Smackdown event. The event was in Cinicinnati, the two were arrested, just over the river in Erlanger Kentucky.
The story from the Cincinnati Enquirer RIGHT HERE
((Helms and Jericho Mugs//Courtesy: Kenton County Jail/Cincinnati Enquirer))
Maybe my favorite line from the whole story is after the Ke

nton County Police Spokesman describes what happened and speaks of what happened to the Hurricane after he caused such a big commotion. Everyone else had been struck by Helms, causing no serious injuries, Gilpin said.
Irvine, 39, of Odessa, Fla., who stayed at the scene, was arrested for public drunkenness.Helms, 35, of Smithfield, N.C., was later located by officers and arrested on the same charge. The second person who fled the cab wasn’t located.
“He disappeared in the wind,” Gilpin said.
Sounds like Helms was staying in character doesn't it?
Take a look at the mug shots and yeah...it looks like they were still a bit "Under the Weather". They were released from jail after an hour or so after paying a $120 bond. The two are scheduled at this point to appear in Kenton County, Kentucky district court on February 16th.
Enjoy the humor that is Jericho as he spoofs Bill Goldberg from 2007. Thanks You Tube
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