Mike Danton ((pictured looking like a college student, Christian Laforce/Chronicle Herald)) apologized out of the gate for not dressing up for his own press conference Thursday. He had Sociology class at 11:15 and didn't want to wear a suit.
He tried to explain himself to the local media and tell them why he should be given

You know... in that NHL thing...
“You’re asking if somebody offers me something am I going to split town and the answer is no. Do I love the game of hockey? Yes, of course. Do I want to play at the professional level again? Of course, just like every single one of the guys on the hockey team. That hasn’t left my dreams and aspirations. But what I do understand now is that in order for me to be successful in hockey I need to be successful in school. I’m not allowed to play hockey if I don’t succeed in school. I’m a student-athlete and not an athlete-student.”
Danton also said that he hasn't heard a bad word about him during his time on the St. Mary's University campus.
Here's the greatest hits from the presser, thanks to our friends again at the Chronicle Herald...
He says he's not getting any extra kind of financial aid to go through this round of schooling. Which is cool, we get that. The HQ wouldn't mind this whole thing so much if Danton was pursuing a life in another sport other than hockey- a sport he's already done a tour in as a paid individual.
We're just wired that way... we hope the education turns into something positive- other than another shot at an NHL contract. We think he's still taking away a chance from another kid ten years his junior in all this.
The Canadian university system should look at policies like this one and seal any loophole like the one Danton used.
But we're not holding our breath in this one, either...
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