((HT: TSN))
And the line starts in New York with the Bettman...
Current Toronto Argonauts co-owners Howard Sokolowski and David Cynamon ((pictured, thanks David Cheung/Globe and Mail)) plan to meet with Glendale city officials next week with an eye toward putting a bid together for the Coyotes.
Sokolowski and Cynamon were part of the Ice Edge Holdings group that pursued the club when owner Jerry Moyes filed for bankruptcy in the summer. But Cynamon confirmed to the Globe and Mail they are longer part of that group and sources tell the newspaper they have put together their own collection of about 12 investors.
They're also reportedly fed up with the idea of losing money over the Argonauts and not being warmly embraced on their revenue ideas for the future of the CFL itself.
The report indicates an Arizona bankruptcy court is expected to grant approval to the NHL's $140 million US bid to buy the Coyotes from Moyes on Monday, the same day Sokolowski is planning to meet with Glendale officials.
Should Sokolowski and Cynamon put together a bid, it would have to include a new lease for the Jobing.com arena in Glendale.
Keith McCullough of Ice Edge Holdings appeared on the Business New Network on Thursday and said their group is prepared to bid on the Coyotes as well.
Remember...??? The whole 5 games in Saskatoon thing...
Watch the McCullough interview here...the fun starts at the 6:30 mark
Thanks to our friends at the Business News Network...
None of this is really a surprise...those of us at OSG HQ figured everyone would wait until the bankruptcy process was concluded in court before jumping back in...
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