Wednesday, March 3, 2010

John Daly versus Gary Smits

If you are reading this, you either know who Gary Smits is or you are trying to figure out who he is because you already know John Daly.

The reasons that they are "In dispute" are fairly simple. Daly had sued Morris Communications who owns the Florida Times-Union which Smits is the golf writer for. Strangely, the suit was actually for a story that a former columnist, Mike Freeman did back in 2005. The paper tried to settle, Daly said no and a judge who ended up hearing the case ruled Daly the loser and that he owed the publisher 6 figures in legal expenses.

((Daly is the one without the shirt//Courtesy:

Well, once the case cleared, Daly's personnel file with the PGA Tour became public record. Smits got a hold of it and did a story on it and the 456 pages contained in it. Let's just say it didn't paint a pretty picture.

The story on Daly's record from is RIGHT HERE

Here is where it gets silly. Daly, infuriated that the report was...well...reported on, decided as revenge that he would publish Smits' work cell phone number in a Tweet. Not one, but 3 of them. He's since taken down the posts, but other websites have posted screen grabs of it.

Smits' reaction to the whole thing is RIGHT HERE

Having covered and attempted to interview Daly several times in the past 20 years, we can confirm that he isn't...well...the nicest person you'll ever meet. We get that he has somewhat of a cult-like following on the Tour and that is all well and good. However, he tends to act a bit like a spoiled child when he doesn't get his way and quite honestly, over the past 10 years or so he hasn't done anything to warrant being able to get away with that.

Here is the interview with Daly that goes along with the picture: Thanks You Tube

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