Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Angle Escapes from Charges

Professional Wrestler Kurt Angle is a free man today. He was found not guilty of violating a protection order and for possession of HGH in a Pittsburgh court.

The story from Pittsburgh's Post-Gazette.com here.

Angle, who was arrested back in August was allegedly stalking his former girlfriend Trenesha Briggers told the judge that Briggers made up the stories of harrasment to get him out of a home he owned in the Pittsburgh suburbs. He also had a legal doctors prescription for the HGH. There will however be a hearing in late September to determine if the TRO should be made permanent.

It isn't the first time that Angle has been mixed up with something like this, but the whole story sounded a little bizzare from the get go. Angle, the current champion for TNA Wrestling competed the day after the initial incident and seems to be going about his business. We will see if that lasts.

As much as the Wrestling business isn't supposed to imitate real life, take a look at this clip only a few days before the incident allegedly happened, with his now real life ex-wife. Draw your own conclusions...Courtesy: TNA/You Tube:

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