File this one under the "Strange but True" banner. Last night before the Atlanta Hawks took on the Houston Rockets in Houston, Hawks Coach Mike Woodson showed minus his eyebrows (yeah...we are not making this up).
Apparently it was a move to help his players loosen up and...well it worked. They beat the Rockets last night in Houston for the first time in ten years 102-95.
As for the eyebrow incident. The players were confused as well.
Check out the HawksBlog from AJC.com RIGHT HERE
((Woody and his eyebrows or lack of them//Courtesy: @HawksPRMan-Arthur Triche))
So Woodson says his "Barber did it on accident". We aren't quite buying that. Having covered Woodson and the Hawks for several years, we know that Woody is a very smart man with a good sense of humor, over the years he has learned how to motivate his team.
We can remember a couple years ago before the Hawks played their first playoff game in years at home against the Boston Celtics and Woody showed up with his head shaved. He had been known for his hair and it floored the whole team when he showed up bald. Said Josh Smith at the time "He looks like Mr. Potato Head". At the time, no he didn't, but since he kept the bald look and then lost the eyebrows (though he put some tape where they used to be for a while), now...he really does look like Mr. Potato Head.
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