Friday, January 1, 2010

Gilbert Arenas tries to really be Agent Zero

The never ending "Bizarro" world inhabited by Washington Wizards guard Gilbert Arenas got a little stranger recently. Apparently, the self-proclaimed "Agent Zero" got into a dispute with teammate Javaris Crittenton. The dispute got heated enough, that somehow, from somewhere, both players pulled guns.

((Agent Zero himself//Courtesy: NBAE/Getty Images))

The story from the New York Post RIGHT HERE.

There are way too many questions here to answer in one story. The obvious one would be "How did they have guns in the locker room?". Apparently, according to friends of Crittenton, the argument was over a gambling debt of some sorts.

Also, the report the Post uncovered goes on to say that the Wizards announced on Christmas Day that Arenas had admitted to bringing guns to the locker room. Why...we don't know. Needless to say the Wizards...and the NBA are none too pleased about this and are investigating both the incident and how the guns made it to the locker rooms.

Needless to say, we are guessing this story will have some legs and be followed up on at some stay tuned.

Here is Gilbert doing what Gilbert should concentrate on doing...playing basketball really well. Thanks NBA Entertainment/You Tube:

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