Wednesday, November 25, 2009

Ex-Lightning Co-Owner Under Investigation

((HT: GlobeSports/Shoalts))
We've covered the exploits and shenanigans of the Tampa Bay Lightning ownership pairing in the past.

One owner got the chance to buy out the other. The owner of the first part couldn't get his financing together, so now its the other owner's turn to try and get financing to buy the owner of the first part out once and for all..

Sound confusing...???

It is...

Len Barrie was supposed to get the first dibs on buying out Oren Koules. Barrie was supposed to get financing help on a British Columbia development from a Dubai-based outfit. It hasn't happened... to the tune of US$350-million of not happening.

So, now Barrie is getting his books looked at by the Canada Revenue Agency after a former auditor pretty much yelled shenanigans...

It's like having the IRS look at your books in the States... and we all know how that goes... guilty until proven innocent.

The auditor claims that Barrie financed his Lightning stake with funds from his Bear Mountain development project.

Koules has even moved down to Tampa to keep a restrictive-financial eye on things.
He's still looking for a dance partner, but hasn't found one yet, either.

Those of us at OSG HQ are doing the math: Florida, Atlanta, Tampa, Columbus, Phoenix, the Islanders, Nashville...

Should we stop...???

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