Thursday, November 12, 2009

Falcons Coach Mike Smith fined more than Hall

This is sort of funny. Atlanta Falcons Head Coach Mike Smith was fined $15k for his role in a sideline skirmish in last weeks Falcons/Redskins game. We showed you the video and talked about the incident on Monday HERE on OSG Sports.

((Mike Smith Photo//Courtesy:

We want to say that this is laughable, but we do actually understand why Smith got fined. Right or not, you as a coach can't be sticking your nose in scuffle's like that. However...Smith, who is already loved in the Falcons locker room, in the team offices and pretty much by anyone who has ever had the good fortune to interact with him; only helped his reputation by defending his players and fighting off the advances of a completely overrated douche-bag, one DeAngelo Hall.

For those who missed it, here's the incident in question again.

As for the aforementioned Douchebag, Mr. Hall; though he wasn't fined unlike the others involved in the incident, he should perhaps be concerned that well...none of his teammates stood up for him. That goes back to his days as a Falcon, where he acquired the name "MeAngelo". Having an attitude like his is all well and good if you can back it up with your game, however Hall, though he thinks he can, never really has and has only gotten worse as his career has sunk from alleged "Pro Bowl" status, to journeyman Cornerback.

We generally don't like taking shots at people on these pages, however Hall is more than deserving of such treatment. He has continually mouthed about how "Poorly" the Falcons treated him by trading him. No, MeAngelo, you really don't get it. Sometimes its not about how you play against other teams, it's how you play with your "Own" team. Think about it.

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