Monday, November 9, 2009

Memphis Fires Tommy West, Goes Off In Presser

((HT: MyFoxMemphis/WHBQ radio))

Radio talk show host George Lapides made the announcement on Sports 56 WHBQ Monday morning, citing the website

From The Scoop:
FedEx CEO Fred Smith and CFO Dave Bronczek will strongly consider Gunter Brewer and Trooper Taylor for the head coaching position. Brewer serves as the OC / wide receivers coach at Oklahoma State. Taylor coaches the wide receivers at Auburn.

Tommy West, who is 2-7 this season, lost to the Tennessee Vols 56-28 in Knoxville Saturday. Here's the lowlights for West and Memphis againsat the Vols...
WVLT-TV's Daryl Hobby has the video for you...

Those of us at OSG HQ have our money on Lambuth University Head Coach Hugh Freeze. He runs that spread option offense nonsense, but he's proven he can get athletes to stay in western Tennessee to play football and has had success on the NAIA level.

As proof, here's highlights from the Lambuth-Shorter game from a while back where the Eagles completely had the officials give the game to them...
((HT: Lambuth University/Youtube))

UPDATE: West went off in his farewell presser demanding fans stand up to give the team an equal playing field...and take the negatives out of the program.

"Put something in it, or do away with it..." quoting West...
((HT: MyFoxMemphis))

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