Monday, December 28, 2009

BREAKING NEWS: Texas Tech's Leach Suspended Indefinitely, Alleged To Have "Isolated a player in a dark closet..." Player May Be Adam James...

Courtney Linehan of says it has to do with a complaint from a student-athlete and his parents. Leach will not coach in the Alamo Bowl.

Here's the release from the university...

Texas Tech University recently received a complaint from a player and his parents regarding Red Raider Head Football Coach Mike Leach’s treatment of the athlete after an injury.

At Texas Tech all such complaints are considered as serious matters, and as a result, an investigation of the incident is underway. Until the investigation is complete, Texas Tech University is suspending coach Leach from all duties as Head Football Coach effective immediately. The investigation into this matter will continue in a thorough and fair manner.

Coach Ruffin McNeill will assume duties as Interim Head Coach and will coach the team during the Alamo Bowl.

The decision to take these actions was made in consultation with the Texas Tech University president, and the Texas Tech University System chancellor, and Board of Regents chairman and vice chairman.

Because this is a personnel matter no further comment will be forthcoming.

ESPN's Joe Schad via Twitter has this:
"Mike Leach is alleged to have isolated a player in a dark closet for not practicing with a concussion..."

According to Brooks, the Lubbock Avalanche-Journal's website was freaked out because of all the interest...

Message Board Guy is alleging, through KTTU-FM in Lubbock, the incident in question centers around the following with Leach and Adam James- son of ABC/ESPN personality Craig James:

Adam James had a concussion. He came to practice wearing sunglasses.
Mike Leach didn't like him having the sunglasses on.
Adam James told him it was doctor orders to help with concussion because of light.
Mike Leach took him to dark equipment room and had him stay there for a couple hours.

Leach's lawyer and a representative close to the family of the player confirm to ESPN that a player with a concussion was placed in a closet...

The HQ will keep you posted as we know more, but our gut is that Leach is done in Lubbock...

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