Tuesday, December 29, 2009

Tuesday Update-Recap Thingy: Mike Leach Suspension

((HT: redraiders.com))

The Lubbock Avalanche-Journal staff gets major kudos for assembling all angles of the Mike Leach suspension, so here's what we all know by now...

Leach’s attorney, Ted Liggett, is going to do everything he can to get Leach back on the sidelines for the game in San Antonio...

“We’re going to do everything we can to see that our client is duly served justice and that he’s reunited with his boys as soon as possible,’’ Liggett said. Asked how he planned to go about it, Liggett said, “Through the court system, don’t ya?’’

Those of us at OSG HQ can think of a lot better reason to go to court, but this doesn't surprise us considering the amount of coach-ego that's involved.

The university completed its own initial investigation before the suspension. Apparently, Leach thought he had done nothing wrong in his treatment of Adam James.

Leach also, from what all parties understand, thought James was a "slacker" and that his father- ABC/ESPN analyst Craig James- acted like "a little league dad" with his involvement in the Texas Tech program.

Leach has never been one to pull punches, so this reaction should not surprise... Earler in the year, The Swashbuckler blamed his players' "fat little girlfriends" in a loss to Texas A&M...

Leach had until Monday to write a letter of apology.
He didn't and, thus, the suspension...

The whole "standing in a dark space" thing we talked about earlier Monday happened in mid-December on two separate dates...

If Leach is going to be "Mangino'd" in Lubbock as a result of all this, he would be due $400,000 per year left on his five-year contract...

That's $1.6-million...there is no buyout provision...
Here's KCBD-TV's coverage- obviously, it's their lead...
Colin McElroy stands behind the desk to start us off before a phoner and a sidebar...

Craig James was scheduled to work the Alamo Bowl for ESPN.
He has been removed from that duty...

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