Monday, December 28, 2009

James Family Statement On Leach Matter


The James family understands that Texas Tech University has undertaken an internal investigation. Since this situation affects our son and since the investigation is on-going, it would be inappropriate for us to speculate or provide additional information.

Mr. and Mrs. James took the step with great regret and after consideration and prayer to convey to the Texas Tech Administration that their son had been subjected to actions and treatment not consistent with common sense rules for safety and health. The James family believes this is a matter important to protect all the fine young men involved in Tech football and the University’s reputation for developing and educating young men and women.

Over the past year, there has been a greatly enhanced recognition of the dangers of concussions and the potential for long term physical damage to players. At virtually every level of football coaching, cases where children and young men have sustained concussions have generated serious discussion of the importance of correct treatment and diagnosis.

The entire James family is supportive of the University and looks forward to a resolution of the matter.

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