Just when you thought it couldn't get worse for Tiger Woods' week, it did. By now most of you have read that his Mom in-law, Barbro Holmberg got a trip to the hospital this morning for what appears to have been some sort of stomach issue. She is alright and apparently headed back to what can only be called "Casa de loco".
More on the Mom-in law from the Orlando Sentinel RIGHT HERE
((Barbro Holmberg headed to HealthSouth Hospital//Courtesy: APTV.com))
Here's the Video version of the story from MyFoxOrlando.com:
Needless to say, we wouldn't wish Mr. Woods' week on anyone. Pretty much anything that could go wrong....has. Maybe it's Karma catching up? We don't know....what we do know is this:
1) Tiger trashes his vehicle attempting to leave his driveway late on a Friday night. He is found on the ground unconscious...from what several reports say is a combination of Ambien, Vicodin and Alcohol.
2) It comes out over the weekend that Mr. Woods has been a Tiger with...well, more than just his wife. Allegations about 1 mistress surface on Saturday and another early the following week. The second has a phone voicemail that is pretty much the "Dagger".
3) Tiger admits on his website that he has some "Issues" to deal with. The good, he admits it. The bad. The "List" of issues is growing.
4) More names surface as "Potential" mistresses. The good. Most of the "Real" media begin backing off of the story. The bad. The TMZ's and Access Hollywood's of the world are just starting to "Dig" for the dirt.
5) Tiger backs out of his own tournament, citing his "Injuries". We think it's more "Not wanting to face the Media types...and more importantly the "Tabloid-Paparazzi's" who are now stalking his every move.
6) Things begin to quiet this past week until the weekend when...You guessed it. More "Mistresses" begin surfacing. Though several are...questionable...still...not good.
7) Mom-in law taking ill as reports swirl that Elin Woods is buying a house in Stockholm and preparing to "High-Tail it" out of there. We doubt that, the "Tabloid-Paparazzi's" reporting that said it already happened...Obviously, it hasn't.
So...now we are 12 days in to Tiger Woods meets Karma and Karma is off to a big lead. What comes next? We don't know. We kind of hope...nothing. The way the past 2 weeks have gone though...we don't expect that to happen.
On that note...though we hate this song...we can't think of anything more appropriate....Thanks You Tube:
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