Friday, January 14, 2011

Newton Announces Draft Intentions, Fairley Speaks Today


Surprising no one, we have the first high-profile one-and-done in Division I college football...

Cam Newton is declaring his intention to be eligible for the upcoming NFL Draft. Friday is the deadline for anyone who wishes to declare for 2011...

Mel Kiper has Newton as the second quarterback being selected as the 14th overall pick. Nick Fairley may be the next Auburn player to declare in his home town of Mobile Friday.

The HQ wonders if Brother J-Dub is listening for the Redskins selection...

From Goldberg:

"This decision was difficult for me and my family," Newton said. "After talking to Coach Chizik and Coach Malzahn, I think it is best that I make that next step in my career and forgo my senior season and enter the NFL Draft. It was a very hard decision for me, especially after coming off the great season we had at Auburn. I'm blessed to have been around an excellent environment and have great teammates, coaches and support from the Auburn family.

"It's been a blessing for me to be a part of something so great," Newton said. "Any time you win games it's a big deal, but for this school to win a BCS National Championship, what a way to make people happy. Auburn is a special place that I can call home."

The Barrett Trotter Era now begins...
All he has to do is try and come close to this...
((HT: SEC on CBS/Youtube))

Gus Malzahn will think of something...

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