Thursday, August 4, 2011

The Dean Goes Berserk...

((HT: The Zone, Atlanta))

Most of the HQ knows the "Dean" of Sports Talk Radio in Atlanta, Beau Bock...

He's been on the television side back in the days of film and has transmogrified into the grumpy, older voice of sports talk...

Beau has done outbursts like this one before, it's just the newest example...
Here's the argument... Decide for yourself...


He has always thought Jerry Glanville didn't get a fair shake and will be the first to tell you about the woes of the team and how the rest of the division needs to cower in a corner come September...

Now that 790 is the voice of the Falcons, we get elements like the one above...
Keep 'em coming... it's fair radio...

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