Tuesday, June 22, 2010

French soccer has tail between legs...

The misery that is French soccer is over...for now.

The team that refused to practice on Sunday and had one of its best players sent home and its captain sitting on the bench, bowed out of the World Cup 2010, after losing to your gracious hosts from South Africa, 2-1.

It gets better.

After becoming not just a national, but an international punchline in the past few days, they had to fly back to the motherland...in coach.

Yeah, you heard me, coach.

Apparently they were on a no-frills charter, heading home shortly after today's defeat. Yahoo Sports has more RIGHT HERE
((Pants on the ground....Dijbril Cisse's pants on the ground//Courtesy: Cameron Spencer/Getty Images))

We can only imagine the indignities that they will suffer upon their arrival home, the only question is who's going to be the first one thrown under the bus. Our money goes on coach Raymond Domenech, though several of his players probably won't be far behind.

We think we have found the absolute best video that summarizes our thoughts on this right here. Enjoy its awesomeness!!!!
Thanks You Tube:

But then, of course, is the directness of what happened...
Bob Ley was interviewing L'Equipe's reporter for the ESPN Programming of the World Cup and we got a direct quotation of the Anelka-Domenech confrontation...
Expletives included...
((HT: Fanhouse-Brinson))

Ah, you gotta love the French...

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